‘Pastor hid in KOJC bible school before surrender’  Philstar.com‘Pastor hid in KOJC bible school before surrender’  Philstar.com Read More
Although systems consisting of many interacting small particles can be highly complex and chaotic, some can nonetheless be described using simple theories. Does this also pertain to the world of quantum physics?Quantum Physics NewsRead More
President Nelson will turn 100 years old. How long does the Bible say prophets lived?  Yahoo! VoicesPresident Nelson will turn 100 years old. How long does the Bible say prophets lived?  Yahoo! Voices Read More
The apparent weirdness of the quantum world is often exemplified by the paradox of Schrödinger’s imaginary cat that exists in a limbo state of being both alive and dead until looked upon by an observer. But in the real world we never encounter such zombie felines.Quantum Physics NewsRead More