Sound drives ‘quantum jumps’ between electron orbits

Cornell University researchers have demonstrated that acoustic sound waves can be used to control the motion of an electron as it orbits a lattice defect in a diamond, a technique that can potentially improve the sensitivity of quantum sensors and be used in other quantum devices.Quantum Physics NewsRead More

Study proposes generalized approach to light-matter interactions

A study coordinated by the University of Trento with the University of Chicago proposes a generalized approach to the interactions between electrons and light. In the future, it may contribute to the development of quantum technologies as well as to the discovery of new states of matter. The study is published in Physical Review LettersQuantum

Physicists ease path to entanglement for quantum sensing

Nothing in science can be achieved or understood without measurement. Today, thanks to advances in quantum sensing, scientists can measure things that were once impossible to even imagine: vibrations of atoms, properties of individual photons, fluctuations associated with gravitational waves.Quantum Physics NewsRead More