New technique lets scientists create resistance-free electron channels

An international research team led by Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (Berkeley Lab) has taken the first atomic-resolution images and demonstrated electrical control of a chiral interface state—an exotic quantum phenomenon that could help researchers advance quantum computing and energy-efficient electronics.Quantum Physics NewsRead More

Computing how quantum states overlap

Quantum many-body systems are things such as atomic nuclei that consist of many tiny particles moving in complex ways. This makes it extremely difficult to predict how the systems behave as the particles interact. To study these systems, researchers use computational tools called quantum Monte Carlo simulations.Quantum Physics NewsRead More

Quantum entanglement in quasiparticles: A stealth mode against disorder

Physicists at Julius-Maximilians-Universität Würzburg (JMU) have made a discovery that could boost the understanding of the role of entanglement in high-temperature copper oxide superconductors. The low-energy quasiparticles of these enigmatic quantum materials, so-called Zhang-Rice singlets, were found to be remarkably resilient against extreme disorder.Quantum Physics NewsRead More