Thought I was done commenting on news pieces for today til I saw this headline about how Republicans don’t read or believe the bible. An opinion used matter-of-factly as a headline / statement and my blood started to boil. Immediate #Propaganda flag. And then the biased AF poll at the end of the “article”, which is really just a verse pulled from the New International Translation (NIV) of the Bible, Matthew 25:34-40. As if it somehow justifies mass immigration. I don’t have a lot of time to get into it, so as a rebuttal I’ll summarize it into one word: “Context”. Context!
Republicans do not read or believe what the bible says  Daily KosRepublicans do not read or believe what the bible says  Daily Kos Read More

Here’s my Poll: if you’re willfully ignorant and a tool of the cabal, spouting destructive propaganda, will you burn in the lake of fire when the messiah returns? 🤔